Buy Afghan Hash Online
Tale Of Two Strains Afghan Black is a traditional and high-quality hashish. It is pressed from small, bushy Indica dominant plants in Afghanistan. It is dark to black on the outside and a greenish brown inside. It has a strong, aromatic smell. The texture is hard at first and gets softer and more shape-able with the addition of tea or water. It is rolled into “hash-balls” or stored in a hash-jar and is often labeled with the stem of the plant from which it originated.
It is a highly concentrated form of cannabis with high THC and terpene levels. It is used for smoking, in a pipe, bong, or vaporizer. Depending on the batch, the potency can vary widely. It has a very intense psychoactive effect that can last up to 8 hours. It can induce a lot of coughing in inexperienced users.
Hashish Haven: Your Ultimate Guide to Purchasing Afghan Hash Online
The consumption of chars has long been considered a “traditional” and “good Afghan vice”. It is even compared to Sufi spirituality, in that both are a way to transcend boundaries of family and connect with people from different social groups. The rural, char-smoking tradition still lives on in parts of the country and can be seen in the way that many elderly people, such as Baba Qu-e Mastan, gather with friends to enjoy their favourite char. This hashish-smoking gathering is a more social, ritualised act than sharing a joint. It also seems to fulfil a universal human need for avenues of spiritual engagement, detached from the daily stresses of life.